Despite facing numerous segregation-era challenges as a young man in the American south, Hank Aaron was driven to achieve greatness, ultimately rising to fame as Major League Baseball star. Eventually topping Babe Ruth to take the home run record in 1974, Aaron was...
In this modern time, people leave their corporate duties and other things to start a charity. A charity can be on anything, including saving the environment, animals or helping the less fortunate. Those who start these charities end up building legacies for themselves...
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its ravaging toll, nonprofit organizations are burning their midnight oil to provide the required relief. Besides, corporations are joining the battle to help the homeless and reduce the spread of the lethal virus. It is incredible...
England in the 19th century was, in many ways, a dark place. Society was not particularly fond of or kind to the poor and displaced. Not many citizens felt moved to help those in need, which allowed for those who did, to stand out all the more brightly among the dark...
Businesses and nonprofit organizations are now working closely together. Many companies strive to promote philanthropy in as many ways as they can. Employees are encouraged to volunteer on the side, entrepreneurs are hosting fundraisers and a lot of money is being...