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Top 5 Holiday Charities

Top 5 Holiday Charities

Everyone loves giving to charity. It’s a fantastic way to give back and feel like you’re making the world a better place. However, it can be difficult deciding which charities are worth your money or time. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of...
The Evolution of Corporate Philanthropy

The Evolution of Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate philanthropy has changed a lot since its origins. In the beginning, many companies used to provide their employees with funding to start social projects. These days, employees are more likely to be using corporate money for their own initiatives instead of...
Equity for Quality Education

Equity for Quality Education

Every student or person who has worked with students understands that equity and equality in education are vital issues to consider in the education sector. They determine whether the students have equal access to opportunities and resources and whether they each have...
Funding Sources for Nonprofits During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Funding Sources for Nonprofits During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There’s never been a time like the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only is there an economic downturn on top of the flu, but even nonprofits are feeling the squeeze. That’s why it’s more important than ever for nonprofits to find new funding sources for their...
How Charity’s Tax Policy Can Change for the Better

How Charity’s Tax Policy Can Change for the Better

How to Make the Charitable Tax Policy More Equitable The primary role of any tax regime is to fund government expenditure. Besides funding the government, tax laws can encourage citizens to engage in essential activities. For instance, they can incentivize funding for...