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The Importance of Being a Mentor

The Importance of Being a Mentor

We all have had mentors at some point in our lives. Whether it was our parents, a close family friend, a teacher, etc. we have all had someone in our lives who guided us down the right path that ultimately led to the success we see today. We all have a lot to give in...
Why You Should Consider Working For A Non-Profit

Why You Should Consider Working For A Non-Profit

Currently, the non-profit sector is one of the three largest segments of the United States workforce. It is a fast-growing industry that is seeing many new organizations formed all the time. A lot of people are becoming more and more interested in giving back to their...
What You Should Know Before Donating To Charity

What You Should Know Before Donating To Charity

We all love the feeling of donating to a charity. It is truly a great feeling knowing that you can be in a position to help an important cause you are passionate about. However, it is imperative that before you donate to a specific charity, you understand everything...
Four Ways To Donate To Charity Without Spending Money

Four Ways To Donate To Charity Without Spending Money

Giving back to charity is one of the many aspects of life that make this world a much better place. It is so important to donate to causes that are striving every day to improve the lives of others and our planet as a whole. Unfortunately, it is possible that people...
How To Organize A Charity Event

How To Organize A Charity Event

Charity and fundraising events are a great way to raise money for a good cause people are passionate about. These events also help to provide a positive and visible approach to publicize this cause. The success of the event will require careful planning. The biggest...
The Importance of “Paying It Forward”

The Importance of “Paying It Forward”

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” People see these words everywhere from the bumper sticker on a car to the canvas in a coffee shop. Putting these words into practice seems to be the biggest hurdle people face. The idea of “paying it forward” is one that...