Despite facing numerous segregation-era challenges as a young man in the American south, Hank Aaron was driven to achieve greatness, ultimately rising to fame as Major League Baseball star. Eventually topping Babe Ruth to take the home run record in 1974, Aaron was...
Donating is one way of giving back to your community. It is an act of compassion that helps a business to build goodwill and benefit the community. Charitable donations may also be a source of stress, and it might come with so many difficulties. Here are some of the...
In the reality of significant climate change and advancing demand for energy, contemporary clean technologies have earned unmatched popularity. Such are the nuclear power options and energy storage technologies. Despite the innovations having an unmatched potential,...
In this modern time, people leave their corporate duties and other things to start a charity. A charity can be on anything, including saving the environment, animals or helping the less fortunate. Those who start these charities end up building legacies for themselves...
We all have had mentors at some point in our lives. Whether it was our parents, a close family friend, a teacher, etc. we have all had someone in our lives who guided us down the right path that ultimately led to the success we see today. We all have a lot to give in...