Together with his wife, Tricia, Jeff Raikes founded the Raikes Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks to change how charities allocate the donations they receive. While each organization may have the best intentions in mind, giving available funds to...
Entrepreneurship is accomplished when people are inspired to create a business or product based around a creative idea. Entrepreneurs want to solve problems with these ideas and make life easier for all. In order to be a great entrepreneur, we task them with solving...
When the concept of micro-lending was first pioneered, it was discovered that making loans to women produced far greater results than making loans to men. This is because overall, men tended to invest in improving their own circumstances, while women were more...
Philanthropic efforts continue to change throughout the years based on society as a whole and the state of the world we are currently in. This is why each generation brings about a different few on volunteerism and philanthropy based on their beliefs and the world...
In today’s culture, one of the most significant ways to brand your business is by incorporating philanthropic efforts into your business plan. Most consumers want to do business or buy products from companies who give back to their community and help to make the world...